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clothing are not only a garment but also represent the culture, taste, and identity of people Since the time of the first humans they have been a symbol of the character and history of human

In their historical evolution, clothes have different types, designs and styles. Clothes show the variety of taste and personality of people.

The style and color of clothes can tell your way of thinking and even your opinions. In addition to appearance and beauty, they are important for protecting the body against weather conditions.

Protecting the body from weather conditions and creating comfort in daily activities are also very important. From the time of the first humans to today

they have witnessed many changes. From traditional and imitation clothes to modern and technological clothes, clothing has a history full of changes.

Also, clothes have been influenced by culture and fashion. Their changes over time have been dependent on societal and cultural changes.

play a very important and colorful role in our daily life. Clothes are used for work, entertainment, ceremonies, and different life situations.

They are noticed and seen as an artistic and beautiful element. Due to their special design and details, they play a unique role in attracting attention.

In addition to everyday clothing, clothing can be a symbol of a person’s personality and culture

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